My service promise
My service promise

(Manual for / Guidance for) Cutting
In case you intent a head and shoulder mount and don`t have the opportunity to come to me in person with the harvested animal for on site preparation – here you find a sketch which may serve as assistance.
Point 1: The first incision is set around the body. Approximately 10-15 cm behind the shoulder blade, about in the middle of the body, in order to be able to retain enough skin. Attention is to be payed that the round incision is performed evenly on the same body height. To avoid damage of the hairs it is easiest to switch the knife around so that the blade shows above.
Point 2: The second incision is performed directly at the knee joint. As in regular cutting lead the knife around the knee joint to detach the skin.
Point 3: The fourth and last incision begins at the round incision behind the shoulder blade and ends at the skull, approximately between the ears. It is here again important to turn the blade above and begin the incision between the shoulder blades and then go along the spine centrally from the neck to the top of the skull.
Now the skinning is applied. Here again attention is to be payed to avoid holes. This functions best when the blade is guided rather close to the meat than opposite. A little meat remaining at the skin is better than headache of the taxidermist triggered by multiple holes.
A difficult point is between the foreleg and chest - the axilla so to say. Especial carefulness during skinning is important here since holes often occur in this area.
After the skinning of the cape and arrival at the head, once more carefully skin the cape from the skull in order to be able to separate the skull from the remaining venison (Incision Nr. 4).
PLEASE keep the skull in the skin and freeze the cape together with the skull for at least two weeks. Then it may be sent - comfortably on Mondays, latest on Tuesdays – by post to the taxidermist who will then take care of the tricky task of extracting the skull.